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The Jiangsu Provincial Red Cross Society awarded Xishan Zhongke the "Fraternity Award"

Release date: 2020-12-23

On December 23, 2020, Xishan Zhongke Company was invited to participate in the non-invasive ventilator and AED machine donation ceremony and caring enterprise representative symposium held by the Jiangsu Provincial Red Cross Society in Nanjing.

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At the meeting, the Provincial Red Cross Society commended the companies that made outstanding contributions during the epidemic, and awarded Suzhou Xishan Zhongke Pharmaceutical Research and Development Co., Ltd. the "Jiangsu Provincial Red Cross Fraternity Award" to thank the companies for their support for the development of the Red Cross and their efforts in positive response in the fight against the epidemic. As a socially responsible enterprise, after the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection pneumonia, Xishan Zhongke quickly donated 1 million yuan through the Red Cross Society of Wuzhong District, Suzhou City to support nationwide epidemic prevention and control work.

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"Humanity, fraternity, and dedication" is a long-term path. Xishan Zhongke will adhere to the concept of "taking from the society and giving back to the society" and actively participate in public welfare undertakings to help the Red Cross flourish.

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